
Deploy Kubernetes App using Gitlab CI Pipelines (Helm, EKS, ECS)

Amazon AWS provides a managed Kubernetes Service that reduces the Cluster maintenance for the developers. Quite recently, I asked myself on how the deployment process also can be simplified. There are many tools around like Tekton with which deployment pipelines can be built in a Kubernetes native way. However setting […]

Kubernetes Airflow – Local Development Setup

Apache Airflow is currently one of the most popular task orchestration tools available. Especially for data warehouses and its data transformation processes, Airflow helps to schedule the tasks in the defined order. The developers can model their data transformation steps as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), which is written in […]

How to install Openshift Origin All-In-One-Server with Ansible

1. Install CentOS 2. Install dependencies yum install -y epel-release yum install -y ansible python-cryptography python-crypto pyOpenSSL git docker 3. Install Openshift Ansible git clone 4. Create a new docker volume Follow this tutorial: 5. Create Hosts file Create the following file `vi openshift-hosts` and paste the following […]

How to integrate React Bootstrap in React-starter-kit

Integrating React Bootstrap in the React Starter kit is quite easy. The first step is to install React-Bootstrap: npm install –save react-bootstrap After that, the module can be used in your components. Example: ./src/components/Header/Header.js: import Grid from ‘react-bootstrap/lib/Grid’; import Col from ‘react-bootstrap/lib/Col’; function Header() { return ( <Grid className={s.root}> <Col md={4}> <Navigation […]